
Have you been noticing technology creeping into your practice more lately?  Maybe it’s the iPhone in the hands of the teen, video games, or the patient emails increasing in frequency or length.  Maybe it’s trying to make sense of HIPAA, or whether you want to have an online therapy practice.  With all the technophobia and resistance out there, there are few comfortable places to ask these questions.

In addition to my clinical work, I consult, research and teach about the interface between online technologies and clinical theory and practice. In particular I am focusing on the use of online gaming from a psychodynamic perspective. I provide private supervision for psychotherapists as well. This includes psychodynamically-oriented clinical supervision, as well as mentoring individuals who are seeking to start, grow, and market their own private practice. I’m really excited about the seismic shifts in how we can practice psychotherapy in a Web 2.0 (and beyond) world.

Taking technology seriously means accepting that the point in history when using technology was optional is over. We can no longer ignore or opt out of using technology to have a successful practice. Whether you use email, social media, file claims electronically, request authorizations, etc., if you do not start utilizing the resources that technology affords you you will fail. I know that sounds brutal, but your colleagues will pass you by.

Taking technology seriously also means investing time and money in learning about it and how to use it. Just enrolling in a blog service is the equivalent to signing up for a psychology course, and then going out and hanging up your shingle. I know it can be daunting, but if you’re ready to get started, maybe I can help.

Let me give you a breakdown of the work I have done and the expertise that I have:


  • I have been a psychotherapist for over 25 years.
  • I co-founded a social media software company; meaning I participated in a startup business in many capacities to grow it. I pitched ideas to clients at meetings, helped orchestrate launches, analyzed client needs, kept an eye on marketing trends; wrote press releases, managed budgets and negotiated CEO contracts. Most importantly perhaps, I helped develop the product that several versions and six years later is one of the social media companies to be included in the latest Gartner Group report.
  • I have spent countless hours researching the changes and developments in the social media industry (and compared to my company’s employees I am behind the curve!) Now I am focusing on doing the other projects you read about. But I know social media, from a user experience and business perspective, and not just from downloading Twitter and playing around with it or making an Excel spreadsheet.
  • I invested in my own supervision and consulting from top clinicians and coaches.
  • I have started up and grown a private practice from zero patients to a full practice in 30 weeks. I can tell you it was 30 weeks because that is the amount of unemployment benefits I received to survive on while I built it.


So I know what it is like to take the plunge and how to make it work. You can too!



Initial Consultation               $190

Regular Hourly Rate              $175

Business Brainpick                 $55

Presentation/Keynote           Please contact directly for quote