Content is King, Quality is Queen

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Colleagues who are connected to me via LinkedIn, Facebook, or this blog have probably noticed by now that you get a lot of communications from me, sometimes daily. I Tweet at you, send you newsletters, advertise upcoming workshops and webinars, and post blog updates. I do this for a couple of reasons; the first and probably obvious one is that I want to stay on your radar. I want you to be talking to someone about their patient who does some gaming thing and be able to say, “Hey, there’s this therapist, Mike Langlois, who does workshops and consults on gaming, let me give you his email.”

The second reason I do all the communication is that it helps keep me honest. Here’s how: I truly don’t believe in putting things in your email or website that is worthless. I really do stand behind everything I send you with the conviction of its value. Because that in my opinion is the major thing that separates the professional from the spammer. Web 2.0 has given us dozens of new ways to throw messages at each other instantly, frequently and from anywhere. What has not kept pace with that is content. So that is why I say content is king, and I am convinced that the next shift we will see in the Web 2.0 world is when people get tired of the bells and whistles and even more discerning about the content. This goes hand in hand with why privacy will never go out of style even on the internet, but that’s a blog for another time. Now I certainly get the occasional “unsubscribe,” and I confess that enthusiasm sometimes has me err on the side of risk, and get a note saying my material is not appropriate for the discussion group in question. But I have never gotten feedback to date that there is no value in the material, that it lacks content. That day may come, but it hasn’t yet.

But if content is King, then the other member of the Royal Family, Quality, is queen. Sure, sending you any article published on the APA website is content, but that isn’t what makes it quality. What makes it quality is that it has been filtered to you through the lens of my discernment. If you look at my blogs and newsletter you will notice some general trends and areas of interest in what I call to your attention. Hopefully my Tweets have that as well. Quality is the flavor of my discernment that filters the content I send you.

This is not to say that other articles are not high-quality, follow Psych Central on Twitter and you’ll see hundreds of quality articles, essays and posts each week. But I don’t want you emailing me to consult with you on couple’s treatment, not my area of expertise. I want you to keep me in mind for a few specific things: Web 2.0 psychotherapy, gamer-affirmative therapy, psychodynamic theory, GLBT, diversity and social justice. Even that is too much for a niche, but those are what I am good at and innovative about, those are my best qualities as a consultant and therapist. What quality do you bring to your patients, your practice, and your business? What will make you stick in our minds, for when we really need you and no one else?