Welcome to the New Blog!

So here we are!  New Blogsite, new title, and even more fun and interaction!  I hope you noticed the little bar at the bottom of the blog when you got here.  That bar, by BigDoor, is the first step in gamifying this blog.  You will see on your right the leader board, which shows you your experience points, recent achievements and awards.  If you log in to Facebook you’ll unlock another achievement, and if you share posts, comment or come back regularly there’s not telling what will happen next!  If you are coming here from the old blog, please take a second to subscribe to the new one, because in a little while the old blog will stop posting.


  1. Hi Mike,

    I love your new site/look!

    What a creative and fun thing to have done – to have your site reflect the essence of gaming 🙂

    So you are not only educating those of us who know little about gaming with your posts but you are also demonstrating the gaming concepts “live” through your blog…

    You take innovation, being on top of your game and therapy to a whole new level!

    I can’t wait to see what comes next 🙂


  2. Oh now THIS ticks all the boxes for me! Good stuff, Mike, and happy gaming 🙂


  3. Mike – LOVE the new site!! Great info! I can’t believe I haven’t thought of picking up a DS!! (OK, maybe I have thought of it, but this confirms it!)

    BIG question – I have a lot of young men who are big into the shooter games – Halo, COD, etc. They play these games exclusively, sometimes without even playing the campaigns. Any tips/suggestions on working in this very popular genre?


    • Mike Langlois, LICSW says

      Hi Dan, this is a great topic. I am not someone who plays a lot of first-person shooter games, which is great in that it keeps me on my toes about asking questions and exploring the game. We can’t follow every game, but we can explore them either through conversation or having someone bring in the game. I do think that first-person shooters would lend to exploration of the metaphor of aiming. What is the patient aiming for? Who is he really shooting at? I’d also want to know if he was playing solo or in a platoon using voice chat. Those are just some starting thoughts, definitely lots more to think about.

  4. How fun! Awesome idea. I tried to check-in but was asked to log in (left margin). And Feedburner is giving me ‘Trouble at the mill’ message when I try to subscribe.

  5. Ok, this is SO COOL! I can read and comment on your blog and earn points and badges. Way to take blogging to the next level, Mike.

  6. Um…and I now have 9 XP.. I’m just sayin…

  7. Hi Mike,

    I like the new site. I use the Prose Genesis theme myself and like its flexibility. I have been enjoying your blog lately and your posts have really helped me work more effectively with gamers. Keep up the epic work! 🙂

    • Mike Langlois, LICSW says

      Thanks for the props, Uriah. Genesis is definitely worth the 69$ And it really feels great to hear that you are finding the posts helpful in your work!

  8. Dear Mike
    Thanks for this article.I am new to social networking and really found what you discussed helpful.Regards,Morgaine

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