Defeating the Boss: Overcoming Your “Big Bad”


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  1. Great vlog, Mike.

    I think it worth mentioning to clients that the Boss Level can be approached via smaller easier levels once identified. Having a visual of progress towards defeating the Boss certainly helped me in attaining my Doctorate (Boss Level being Graduation Day). Will get a visual to you on that – it starts at Level Nine ‘cos that’s when I started struggling (1-8 were a breeze).



  2. @ Kate
    I think you’re missing the point of what the author’s trying to say.

    Mike Langlois, LICSW applies the concept of the video game Boss to psychotherapy and business development, and describes the 3 qualities needed to defeating your boss.

  3. Kate you said;

    “Having a visual of progress towards defeating the Boss certainly helped me in attaining my Doctorate”

    Im with you kate… we must defeat it, to attend success.

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