You know you’re a real bonafide blogger when you are posting about South By Southwest the night before going instead of packing for it. Many Gamers, but fewer therapists, have heard of South By Southwest. SXSW has been around since 1987, when it premiered on the music scene. Since then, this vibrant and cutting edge festival has expanded to include film and interactive festivals. Thousands will be flying into Austin, TX and this week in particular will be enjoying hundreds of panels and presentations geared toward technology and social media.
I’m looking forward to seeing in person my colleagues Audrey Jung, John Grohol, and Julie Hanks as they present on, erm, Naked Therapy which is making me rethink how I began this sentence. I’m also looking forward to seeing Keely Kolmes have a lively debate with the VP of Yelp around therapist reviews at the presentation, “WARNING: Are Online Reviews Bad For Your Health?” Then there’s danah boyd doing “The Power of Fear In Networked Publics,” and Jane McGonigal’s “A Crash Course In Becoming Superbetter.”
Last but not least, I’ll be going to a presentation called “Rethinking Gaming Addiction in Psychotherapy,” mainly because I’m presenting it. I hope that you’ll join me, I’m really psyched to be doing it! If you aren’t at SXSW, please feel free to help get the word out about it by Tweeting (hashtag #mindgames) +1 it on Google+, plastering your Facebook Wall with it, and buzzing about it with whatever social media floats your boat.
I’ll be Tweeting from SXSW from my Twitter @mikelicsw and you can find out more about the presentation at #mindgames. And if you’re at the SXSW bookstore, be sure and look for Reset.
So if you’re going to SXSW check out the cool stuff my above colleagues are doing, and be sure and say hello to me via Twitter. Whether you’re a gamer, a psychotherapist, or someone else I’ll be around until Tuesday and I’ll be psyched to connect with you. 🙂 One way to do that is by using the handy SXSocial site with a registrant directory and network features.
See you there!
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